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Hello, my extended family,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to provide an update on the progress regarding the topics we’ve been addressing on Facebook and on this site. I understand that not all of the topics have been fully explained yet and I want to assure you that I am working diligently to provide thorough clarification.

Crafting detailed descriptions of my expectations and finding effective solutions to our community’s ongoing challenges requires significant effort and time. I am committed to ensuring that each issue is addressed comprehensively, which sometimes takes more time than initially anticipated.

I genuinely appreciate your patience and understanding as I work through these topics. Please know that I am dedicated to providing clear and complete information as quickly as possible. Your support during this process is greatly valued, and I will keep you updated on our progress.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.

Blessings Kory Read

Posted on July 23, 2024

“Toronto newcomers paying up to 12 months’ rent up front to secure housing” CBC Reporting

Posted on July 17, 2024

Why would an extremely moderate Populism and Communitarianism candidate work for Canada?

Posted on July 16, 2024

This is my slogan for life!

Posted on July 7, 2024

Today, we gather to celebrate the beauty, diversity, and unity of our great nation on this Canada Day. From coast to coast, we share a bond that is built on respect, inclusion, and the incredible landscapes that make our country so unique.

Let us take a moment to remember and honor our veterans, whose courage and sacrifice have shaped the nation we are privileged to call home. These brave men and women selflessly served, defending the freedoms and values that define our Canadian identity. Their dedication and heroism in times of conflict have ensured our peace and security, allowing us to thrive as a nation. We owe them a debt of gratitude that words can scarcely convey. As we celebrate today, let us keep in our hearts the profound contributions of our veterans, and pledge to uphold the principles of liberty, justice, and democracy that they fought to protect.

Let us take this day to reflect on our shared heritage, let’s remember the values that define us: kindness, compassion, and a commitment to equality and justice for all. Whether you’re spending the day with family and friends, exploring our natural wonders, or simply enjoying the festive spirit, let’s cherish the freedom and opportunities that we are privileged to enjoy.

Canada’s strength lies in its people. From the First Nations who have called this land home for thousands of years to the our Canadians families who bring fresh perspectives and rich cultures, we are stronger together. Our diverse backgrounds and shared aspirations are what make Canada the extraordinary place it is.

Today, let us also take a moment to honor and thank those who have worked tirelessly to make Canada what it is today, from frontline workers and community leaders to every individual who contributes to our society in countless ways.

As we wave our flags and sing our anthems, let’s renew our commitment to building a better, more inclusive Canada. A Canada where everyone has the opportunity to work together to thrive, and where we all create a brighter future for generations to come.

Happy Canada Day to you all! May your day be filled with joy, pride, and the spirit of community that makes our country so special.

Thank you, and let’s celebrate Canada!

Chris Bittle and his Liberal Government buddies will continue to tell you that there is a labor shortage and that they are creating more jobs than the public can fill. They repeat this narrative, hoping to convince you that their efforts are solving economic problems and creating opportunities. But is this really the case?

When will the lies stop? The reality is starkly different from the picture they paint. People are struggling to find good jobs, and businesses are not seeing the influx of workers that the government claims. It’s time for Chris Bittle to realize that his constituents are not fooled by these false promises.

The lack of genuine effort to improve St. Catharines and the Niagara Region is evident. Residents can see through the façade and are increasingly frustrated with the stagnation and lack of progress. The region needs real solutions and dedicated effort, not empty rhetoric and unfulfilled promises.

It’s time to vote Chris Bittle out and choose myself, an the independent candidate who is committed to making a difference. An independent representative who will have to work hard and deliver results if I hope to be re-elected. This change is essential for the betterment of St. Catharines and the Niagara Region.

Posted on July 1, 2024

Posted on July 1, 2024

Let’s examine Chris Bittle’s flyer for the Niagara arae. There appears to be a glaring absence of specific initiatives benefiting St. Catharines or the wider Niagara Region. As I have consistently pointed out, Chris Bittle seems reliant solely on his party’s achievements, given that he himself, paid by the taxpayers of St. Catharines, appears to be preoccupied attending events, enjoying complimentary meals with his family, using social media to bully others, and cozying up with “elite” acquaintances in Ottawa. This leaves little evidence of tangible actions benefiting his constituents.

Rest assured, when I assume the role of MP, you can expect daily engagement and visible impact. As an independent representative, I pledge to deliver genuine change. Unlike Chris Bittle, I won’t seek credit for others’ achievements. I will only claim responsibility for my own actions—if I accomplish nothing, I will have to acknowledge it. This is the advantage St. Catharines gains by electing an independent MP: a representative who works directly for you, not beholden to any party.

Posted on June 30, 2024

Why Should I Vote For A Independent Candidate?

Posted on June 24, 2024

Chris Bittle – “Gen X’d” for a 2nd Time!

Posted on June 19, 2024

Chris Bittle Gets “Gen X’d”

Posted on June 17, 2024

The Niagara Region’s Unemployment Problem

Posted on June 5, 2024