Transparency And Responsibility Audit Committee For Education (T.R.A.C.E.)

Ontario Member of Provincial
Parliament for St. Catharines
Jennie Stevens

The behaviour of national and local leaders has set a precedent tone for the District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) while remaining silent against racism. When the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau is documented wearing blackface multiple times, Member of Parliament for St. Catharines Chris Bittle makes racially charged comments that provoke hostility and incite hatred.

It sends a clear message that such behaviour is tolerable. There is also a Member of Provincial Parliament for St. Catharines, Jennie Stevens hollow promises about caring for a Black student who faced multiple assaults and bullying, unexplained suspension for 12 days by the DSBN, exposure to racial slurs, teachers who did nothing about it, among many other serious issues that only exacerbate this issue.

Ontario Member of Parliament
for St. Catharines
Chris Bittle

These racist behaviours have created an environment where systemic racism can flourish, influencing institutions like the DSBN to mirror these troubling attitudes rather than actively working to eradicate them.

Prime Minister of Canada – Justin Trudeau

Here is what happens daily in DSBN classrooms: During a Geography class at Thorold Secondary School, a Caucasian student made racist slurs towards a Black student, referring to him as his “Tim-Bit” and threatening to “Whip Him” if he didn’t complete his schoolwork for him.

When this incident was reported to the principal Janice Sargeant, she inaccurately now claimed that there were in fact two separate incidents involving two different teachers, Kevin Elzinga and Cameron Stone who also supposedly heard racist remarks at different times.

In reality, Kevin Elzinga was the only teacher present during this incident. Kevin Elzinga admits that he heard the racist slurs being used but decided he did not need to take any action to address or correct the students behaviour. Despite this, the DSBN continues to still offer only superficial commitments and lip service to addressing racism among its teachers and students against racialized students.

From: Janice Sargeant
Principal Thorold Secondary School)
Dated: September 29, 2023

“Hello, I am writing to provide you with an update on my investigation regarding the incident of September 25th. I interviewed both supply teachers that were in the Geography class on Monday. I have confirmed that the inappropriate racist comments occurred. In one instance the teacher, Cam Stone did interrupt and stopped and redirected students. One teacher (Kevin Elzinga) did not intervene and the school is taking the appropriate action to ensure this does not happen again.”

This is the reality of life for racialized students within the DSBN. No matter how much you voice your concerns, the DSBN will ignore them. They understand that acknowledging any form of racism in their schools makes them accountable for the entire system. As a result, the DSBN has repeatedly chosen to remain silent.

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* Thorold Secondary ranks 615th of 689 Ontario high schools in the latest Fraser Institute report 2024.

Thorold Secondary ranks 615th out of 689 Ontario high schools in the latest Fraser Institute report. This ranking highlights a critical issue: it is time for teachers to fulfill their primary role—educating students. There is no excuse for such a poor performance ranking. Despite these disappointing results, some teachers still seek raises and the benefits associated with their positions while failing to effectively teach our children. This situation is unacceptable and needs immediate attention.

And what was the DSBN response via Marian Reimer Friesen, Superintendent of Curriculum and Student Achievement?

“Parents of high school-aged children should disregard results of the Fraser Institute’s Report Card on Ontario’s High Schools released last week, a spokesperson for the District School Board of Niagara says. The methodology used by the Institute to come up with the rankings is “flawed,” and does not paint an accurate picture as it “relies solely on E.Q.A.O. (Education Quality and Accountability Office) scores and fails to take into account other ways of measuring student achievement,”

But let us be honest here—the DSBN’s dismissal of the Fraser Institutes report sounds more like a case of sour grapes. Rather than taking responsibility for their shortcomings—like their failure to protect a Black student from violence and bullying—they are now attempting to discredit a system that has been in place for decades and is only deemed “flawed” when it reflects poorly on them. If the DSBN’s schools ranked among the top in Ontario, does anyone believe they would be criticizing the reports methodology? Of course not. They would be praising it as an accurate representation of their excellence.

The truth is, if the DSBN were anywhere near the top 100 schools in Ontario, this criticism would never have been voiced. Instead, they would have celebrated the report as a “perfect reflection” of their schools achievements. The DSBN is more interested in deflecting blame than in addressing the real issues affecting our schools.

This is precisely why the establishment of the Transparency and Responsibility Audit Committee for Education (T.R.A.C.E.) is so important for the DSBN. We need a dedicated body to provide independent oversight, ensure accountability, and uphold the integrity of our educational system. T.R.A.C.E. would help ensure that excuses and blame-shifting are replaced with genuine efforts to improve educational outcomes and protect all students in the Niagara Region.

Accountability in education is paramount to ensuring equitable learning opportunities for all students, fostering a positive school environment, and promoting responsible use of resources. The District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) and its employees play a pivotal role in shaping the educational landscape within the Niagara Region, and they must be held accountable for their actions and decisions.

Issues such as racism, poor student grade performances, and financial mismanagement highlight the need for robust mechanisms to monitor and ensure accountability. To address these critical concerns, I propose the establishment of the Transparency and Responsibility Audit Committee for Education (T.R.A.C.E.)

The Transparency and Responsibility Audit Committee for Education (T.R.A.C.E.) will be tasked with overseeing the DSBN’s operations, ensuring that policies and practices are transparent and aligned with the principles of equity and fairness. T.R.A.C.E. will play a crucial role in upholding integrity within the DSBN by providing independent oversight, investigating, addressing and resolving employee issues of misconduct, and ensuring that resources are used effectively and responsibly.

By implementing the Transparency and Responsibility Audit Committee for Education (T.R.A.C.E.) we can foster a more accountable educational environment, where every student has access to high-quality education and where the actions of the DSBN are held to the highest standards of transparency and responsibility. This initiative will help to build trust within the community and ensure that the DSBN effectively meets the needs of all students in the Niagara Region. Key responsibilities of the oversight panel include:

Monitoring Behavioral Standards: Evaluating DSBN policies, practices and behaviours related to equity, diversity, and inclusion, and ensuring adherence to anti-racism commitments.

Monitoring Student Performance Standards: This independent public oversight committee will review St. Catharines student performance on the Ontario Standardized Testing (O.S.T.) and will also evaluate teacher performance for the Teachers Incentive Program (T.I.P.) on an annual basis.

Auditing Financial Practices: Review annual budgets, expenditures, and financial decisions to identify areas of improvement, ensure compliance with fiscal policies, and promote responsible spending.

Reporting and Transparency: Providing regular reports to the community on findings and recommendations to enhance transparency and accountability within the DSBN.

By implementing an independent public oversight panel, the DSBN will have to demonstrate a commitment to transparency, accountability, and responsiveness to community and parent concerns and address racism. Engaging residents in oversight activities fosters community involvement and ensures that educational priorities align with the needs and expectations of students, parents, and communities.

I will not only take decisive action to end racism in our school boards but will also use legal tools to ensure transparency and accountability at every level. I will establish the Education Oversight System (EOS), providing parents with access to detailed information about any past complaints filed against school boards and their employees, the reasons for those complaints, and the outcomes or resolutions related to them.

Exposing racist behaviour is crucial for its eradication. If an educator, school board or its employees do not want to be exposed, they should avoid engaging in racist conduct—it is as simple as that. Enough is enough; it is time for someone to step up, take control, and put an end to this unacceptable behaviour once and for all.

It is evident that the DSBN, with its $704.6 million in public funding, has failed to adequately address racism and will no longer be entrusted with handling racism complaints in the future. I will implement strict measures to ensure that the responsibility for addressing racism in any school will not rest with boards that have consistently and repeatedly failed to take effective action. Instead, I will establish a true culture of zero tolerance and create clear channels for reporting and investigating incidents, ensuring that these processes operate independently of any school boards control.

I will create a safe and inclusive environment in our schools where all students are treated with dignity and respect. I am committed to leading this effort, holding individuals accountable, and ensuring that every student has the opportunity to learn and thrive in a supportive and equitable educational setting.

Moreover, I will also establish a Committee, the Legal Education and Advocacy Resource (C.L.E.A.R.) to help parents take legal action against school boards, providing them with the necessary support to fight discrimination through civil proceedings.

The Legal Education and Advocacy Resource (C.L.E.A.R.) will serve as another vital resource for parents seeking justice, working in conjunction with the newly formed Judicial Accountability Commission (J.A.C.). These independent initiatives will provide more direct assistance and faster resolutions for parents. Parents must have access to a system that truly serves their needs, allowing them to pursue justice and hold school boards accountable without facing unnecessary delays or frustrations.

The Legal Education and Advocacy Resource (C.L.E.A.R.) will empower parents with the tools and resources they need to challenge unfair practices and ensure their childrens rights are protected. It will also serve as a deterrent against misconduct within the school system, fostering a culture of accountability and transparency. Parents should feel confident that when they step forward, they will be supported and heard.

I will make sure that there will be NO MORE HIDING, NO MORE PASSING THE BUCK! Racism in our schools will be confronted head-on, and those responsible will face every form of consequence that can be thrown at them! This is not just talk—it is a concrete plan to protect our children and ensure that every student is treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.

I will personally take unprecedented action to eradicate racism within our school boards. By equipping parents with the tools they need, I will confront dismantle and correct Ontario’s school system which is inherently and proven to be biased against racialized children!

My commitment extends beyond ending racism in our schools. I am dedicated to holding teachers accountable for the quality of education our children receive. The recent Education Quality and Accountability Office (E.Q.A.O.) poor scores and pathedic rankings, of Thorold Secondary’s 615th place out of 689, is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. As a parent, I expect my children to receive the same high-quality education that teachers demand for their children. Therefore, I am resolute in my commitment to ensuring that every teacher is held accountable and rewarded for their performance and the education they provide.

With the creation of the Education Oversight System (EOS) mandates that ALL school boards file any complaints made against it or an employee. This system will ensure that information about school boards and staff, educators or board members performance follows them wherever they go. Currently, no such system exists, making this initiative crucial to me for maintaining accountability and transparency in education.

The Government of Canada will stop using the issue of racism in our schools as a mere talking point to justify handing out funds for ineffective programs and plans. We need decisive and substantive action to eradicate racism from our education system. The time for empty promises and superficial measures is over. The government must implement real, impactful solutions that address the core issues and ensure meaningful change in our schools. It is time for action that matches the seriousness of the problem.

I can assure you that I WILL END racism within our school boards because every single child deserves to be safe, protected, and able to learn in an environment free from the hatred and disruptions of a culture that tolerates racism!